Friday, April 28, 2017

Government shutdown used to dis grace President Trump

Image result for government shutdown

    Government shutdown is a serious issue that effects individuals that are employed or receiving benefits via government (Military, Veterans, Education, Social Security, Section 8...). Shutdown is caused mostly from arguments between parties. Parties use a Shutdown as a threat to delay or sway the passing of bills and policies. Politician are self-absorbed individuals that only care about self-recognition.

   I find it frustrating that most headlines implicate President Trump as the egotistical individual causing the shutdown. Yet he has only tried to accomplish what his campaign said he would. President Trump is sadly to say is the closest to selfless politician we may ever see.

   The real villain is the Democratic Party. The democrats continue to find something wrong with Trump proposed bills. The first was the border wall, which I agree is a waste of funds. Yet now the democrats want to complain about Trump’s tax plan. At some point we have to realize the House and senate can act like two stubborn child in a fight. American citizens need to step in as these children’s parents and have them sort this out.
 It is important for Americans understand the importance of government shutdown and Trumps tax plan. A Government Shutdown can cause furloughs as seen with the Bush, Clinton and Obama administration.  A furlough is the equivalent to government laying of workers. This shutdown is getting closer, but thankfully congress passed a stopgap funding to delay a shutdown for a week. But the media says it is to avoid embarrassment for Trump, in my opinion it is to avoid the Democratic parties embarrassment. Democratic are not agreeing to a bill that would slash taxes for low income families? (So much for those liberal beliefs). A Government Shutdown is a terrible political weapon that should never be used a threat. A Shutdown cause financial  troubles for innocent bystanders. 

Friday, March 31, 2017

Obamacare or Trumpcare, how about NO THANKS


Today's political head consists of issues you think the United States Government could get right after 239 years. The biggest conundrum today I feel is the Health Care system, mainly because of damn liberals and prideful conservatives. I was raised both on the wealthy and poor side so I have experienced the "good" and the "bad".Health care can’t be such a tough issue since numerous countries do it for free (roughly ten countries). Yet the US is similar to that kid you grew up with that had to "One up" everyone experiences. Which at some point he/she will become an untrustworthy loner. There are numerous example of the US doing this ( Miles, gallon, feet, electoral college...etc.). Trump-care and Obamacare are sad attempts at trying to be unique and sufficient. Their mistake is targeting the lesser evil. Instead of controlling the institution that help citizen pay their bills lets aim at the real culprits the medical providers. In America the average emergency room visit is $1232, whereas it is about $10 in South Korea. A health insurance company could not survive in capitalist America under steep government regulations. If the federally funded hospital had caps on how much they could charge then insurance companies would not have to charge as much for a monthly rate. The free market would still be protected because if private institution did not follow federal guidelines they could just charge what they want and not receive federal funds. If the United States capitalists could just swallow their pride and restructure the Health Care system it could positively affect the economy and boost the federal budget (Obamacare cost approx. 1.4 trillion).  

Friday, March 10, 2017

Liberal Whining

Summary of Editorial:
The Blogger of Crooks and Liars posted an editorial titled Broken Promises gear towards anti-Trump supports. The editorial consist of six promises ISIS, corruption, NAFTA, Obamacare, Social Security and the wall which were allegedly broken.

My Critique:
First and foremost to pretend that a politician will keep all his promises is ignorant. Believing a politician is the equal ant of trusting a car salesman. Only one president has kept his campaign promises in United States of America history, which was James Polk.  According to Tampa Bay times’ Politifact President Obama only kept 48 percent of his promises. As it stands now President Trump only broke 1/6 of his promises or 16.5 percent. It is hard for Trump to maintain his promises, because every time he makes an executive order the public opinion tanks without hesitation. Basically the reason he could kept most of his promises is because the citizen will not allow it. So his two options are give the people what they want or face backlash and a possible impeachment.   Ok, so impeachment might be a bit drastic, but if you were in the same situation I am pretty sure you would choose to appease the public. “We the people” are behaving like indecisive spoiled brats. President Trump was elected for his suggested policy amendments, but when he begin implement them we riot and protest like a two year old throwing a “hissy fit”. My advice to this author and America is to stop “Bitching” and suggest solutions. According to CNN there have been 25 US cities have seen protests. If this was a child 25 fits would meet a hefty size discipline which could be consider martial law. I feel that the public will not stop until martial law is implemented. Finally, they editorial establish a pathetic conjecture due to only one promise has been broken, on the other hand the blog foundation is very informative.

1.    Crooks and Liars: Broken promises (

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Liberal BS

The author of Immigrants Hide, Fearing Capture on ‘Any Corner’(1) lists emotional dribble, yet comes off informative to his reader. He accomplishes this by using bias terms, for example "fear, threat, ETC...” He appeals to the reader’s emotion by using examples everyone can relate for instance; family, school, success to failure and ETC… The use of bias terms and emotional appeal is to build a rapport with reader in hopes that the reader will be empathic to these criminals. People tend to forget illegal immigrants are ILLEGALY residing in the United States of America. When some commits an illegal act they are a criminal! Plain and simple, for instance if a child murder a person you wouldn’t allow them to skip punishment because he is Just a child and you feel empathetic. According to Center of Immigration Studies(2) there are 1.1 million new immigrants each year, which means 1.1 million new offenders each year. Although he does give example of some very unfair situations, one individual I feel should be exempt from deportation is Mr. Rodriguez. Although he is an illegal immigrant, he was forced to enter the country by his parents. He has put the time and effort to manage a business and to be punished for his parent’s mistakes. An equivalent to this would not charging a parent for leaving his/her child in a hot car because the child couldn’t figure out how to get out of the car.  Bottom line, the author should have used more statistics and facts and less empathetic bullshit to make a more credible and appealing article.

1)   Author: Vivian Yee
Date publish: Feb 22, 2017

2)   Author: Steven A. Camarota
Date publish: Jun 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

Executive actions- Presidential flex of power

In this article, Trump has already signed 25 executive actions — here's what each one does, the author describes the 25 executive actions taken by President Trump during his first three weeks in office. She refer to these actions just the beginning of the Presidents reformation of Executive Policies. Although executive orders affect the executive branch it also affects every citizen indirectly in many ways. This makes the article informative and important.  One executive orders that has been causing aggressive protest is the immigration band. The President rewrote Wall Street regulation that Obama and congress instituted after the real estate bubble burst in 2008. Everything citizen contributes and survives off the economy, which means rewriting these regulations could have either a beneficial or negative impact on their lives. The article is definitely a must read because the author does an amazing job of summarizing each executive order.

Friday, January 27, 2017