Friday, April 28, 2017

Government shutdown used to dis grace President Trump

Image result for government shutdown

    Government shutdown is a serious issue that effects individuals that are employed or receiving benefits via government (Military, Veterans, Education, Social Security, Section 8...). Shutdown is caused mostly from arguments between parties. Parties use a Shutdown as a threat to delay or sway the passing of bills and policies. Politician are self-absorbed individuals that only care about self-recognition.

   I find it frustrating that most headlines implicate President Trump as the egotistical individual causing the shutdown. Yet he has only tried to accomplish what his campaign said he would. President Trump is sadly to say is the closest to selfless politician we may ever see.

   The real villain is the Democratic Party. The democrats continue to find something wrong with Trump proposed bills. The first was the border wall, which I agree is a waste of funds. Yet now the democrats want to complain about Trump’s tax plan. At some point we have to realize the House and senate can act like two stubborn child in a fight. American citizens need to step in as these children’s parents and have them sort this out.
 It is important for Americans understand the importance of government shutdown and Trumps tax plan. A Government Shutdown can cause furloughs as seen with the Bush, Clinton and Obama administration.  A furlough is the equivalent to government laying of workers. This shutdown is getting closer, but thankfully congress passed a stopgap funding to delay a shutdown for a week. But the media says it is to avoid embarrassment for Trump, in my opinion it is to avoid the Democratic parties embarrassment. Democratic are not agreeing to a bill that would slash taxes for low income families? (So much for those liberal beliefs). A Government Shutdown is a terrible political weapon that should never be used a threat. A Shutdown cause financial  troubles for innocent bystanders. 

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