Thursday, February 23, 2017

Liberal BS

The author of Immigrants Hide, Fearing Capture on ‘Any Corner’(1) lists emotional dribble, yet comes off informative to his reader. He accomplishes this by using bias terms, for example "fear, threat, ETC...” He appeals to the reader’s emotion by using examples everyone can relate for instance; family, school, success to failure and ETC… The use of bias terms and emotional appeal is to build a rapport with reader in hopes that the reader will be empathic to these criminals. People tend to forget illegal immigrants are ILLEGALY residing in the United States of America. When some commits an illegal act they are a criminal! Plain and simple, for instance if a child murder a person you wouldn’t allow them to skip punishment because he is Just a child and you feel empathetic. According to Center of Immigration Studies(2) there are 1.1 million new immigrants each year, which means 1.1 million new offenders each year. Although he does give example of some very unfair situations, one individual I feel should be exempt from deportation is Mr. Rodriguez. Although he is an illegal immigrant, he was forced to enter the country by his parents. He has put the time and effort to manage a business and to be punished for his parent’s mistakes. An equivalent to this would not charging a parent for leaving his/her child in a hot car because the child couldn’t figure out how to get out of the car.  Bottom line, the author should have used more statistics and facts and less empathetic bullshit to make a more credible and appealing article.

1)   Author: Vivian Yee
Date publish: Feb 22, 2017

2)   Author: Steven A. Camarota
Date publish: Jun 2017

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